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WEB: TAM Portal - Milestone 2

Based on my last post, you can see the design aesthetic I was going for.

I tried to match the illustrator designs as best as I could with the actual website.

I ran into many challenges when coding the Javascript to get everything to look right. It took a ton of time, and for that reason this website is more of a proof of concept– what I mean is that only the first portfolio example of each section (physical/digital/web) actually works. I could have done the rest but this assignment seems very repetitive considering I already made a portfolio website earlier in the year.

But, I digress. The website is partly function and achieves the goals I set out to when prototyping.

Here is the basic flow of the site:

This is what the site looks like on mobile– all of the javascript is thrown out the window and the site becomes flat:

I didn't do the portfolio sections for the mobile version because I figured on mobile the website could be more of an image showcase.

All in all, I learned a bit about javascript and more about CSS while coding this website. I can see how I might use a website like this in the future, but for now my personal blog (not this one) does just fine as a supplement to my professional portfolio site (

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