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WEB: Socially Focused Website - Milestone 2

I was able to finish my Socially Focused Website, "Plastic Earth".

I used Javascript for much of the desktop interaction on the site, however, I optimized the website for mobile as a simple, flat design.

The interaction begins just as I wire-framed. The down arrows auto scroll to the next section

Here's a section about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

When you roll over it, it displays more info using javascript.

Then there's a section about single use plastics and alternative items to use

Again, mousing over each item displays more info

Here we see the interaction with the plastic straw.

Finally, theres a section with sources used for info, and companies that are helping the cause.

On mobile, the difference is all the info is available without mousing over elements:

Overall, I learned a lot about javascript, specifically DOM modification and event listeners.

I also learned about optimization for mobile.

This website was a fun project to work on!

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