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WEB: TAM Portal - Milestone 1

For my TAM portal, I want to keep the aesthetic very minimalist.

I want it to be to the point, effective, and showcase my best work from TAM.

I built out a basic illustration of what I want the site to look like in Illustrator.

When you first get to the site it just says TAM Portfolio, the user will be driven to click/mouse over the only object on the page

The menu will then drop down to display the categories Physical, Digital, and Web, the 3 different types of work I've done in TAM

Here I illustrate what the physical work page might look like

Then when the user mouses over a project's thumbnail, a title and small description appears. I'm not sure if I want the interaction to be a click or mouseover yet.

If the user clicks the arrow, it brings them to a more detailed page about the project

Then they can close the window and return to the work page. And from there they can use the menu to go between the different pages.

All of the interaction of the site centers around the menu, so I will spend the most time getting the animations/transitions/interactions working well with that.

Then I think the rest will be fairly easy.

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