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Design/Interactivity Reading Response

When it comes to design, I believe that it's essential that the user is always considered first. The relationship between emotion and design was explored in the TED talk, and I think this relationship also relates to the reading about interactivity. What makes good design so compelling in my opinion is the ease with which a user can interact with something, and the personal connection the user feels towards the design (conscious or subconscious). An example of this kind of relationship is easy to find with Apple fans– I mean people love just opening the boxes of the products because it makes them feel a certain way. I'm not advocating that people should be materialistic or obsessed with possessions, but lessons can be learned from companies like Apple and applied to other facets of design. Imagine if online homework websites like WebAssign were designed as well as an Apple product, and students were excited just to log on? Or, imagine if public busses were designed as well as a Tesla? I think it's often true that good design can be invisible, but really good design should stand out and demand attention.

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